It has been a while since I last put pen to paper. For this I am sorry. The reason for my hiatus is well …life. But I must confess that the long break from spewing out my thoughts about movies gave me a chance to advance as person, movie critic and writer. My come back, if can call it that, could not have come at a more fitting time. I now find myself in an encouraging environment for such a blog. I don’t want to bore you with all the dull details of my new work station but all I can say is that it in the heart of the broadcast, film, commercial, new media and technology field. Ooowee! I am so excited.
The world of cinema is so much greater than just movies. Cinema is a business, a process, a science, an art… I could go on but I think you get my point. Because of the multifaceted nature of cinema this blog will deal with so many more interesting topics that deal with motion pictures.
I also realised that there is a gap in the blogosphere for a writer that understands and is passionate about African cinema. I am going to fill this opening with CinematalkwithSimba. So you can look forward to a more Africa oriented stories.